Come explore the CLAST Research Group at the University of Oklahoma! We reconstruct tectonic & climatic processes.
Our research group primarily uses the sedimentary record to reconstruct tectonics and climate processes. We typically integrate field-based stratigraphic and sedimentologic observations with geochronology, geochemistry, and occasionally geomorphology. Most of our research is focused in large modern and ancient mountain belts like the Andes and Rocky Mountains. You can see what we've been up to recently below.

Spring 2024: Brigid received an NSF GRFP, SEPM and GSA grant, Cassie received a NSF AGeS award, Boyd received the OK Geological Foundation Fellowship. Boyd, Cassie, and Will all received poster awards at OU's Geology Symposium. Will received outstanding senior. Braden received outstanding Junior.
Aug 2023: MS student Boyd received a GSA Onto the Future grant!
Aug 2023: Double-feature field season with incoming grad students Boyd and Brigid in the Canadian Cordillera
July 2023: Successful field season in Colombia with incoming grad student Cassie Kenyon
Mar 2023: Undergraduate Will McCraine received a UROP grant!
Dec 2022: New paper! "George, S.W.M., Perez, N.D., Struble, W., Ellis Curry, M., Horton, B.K., 2022, Aseismic ridge subduction focused late Cenozoic exhumation above the Peruvian flat slab: Earth and Planetary Science Letters." link here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X22003909?dgcid=author
Dec 2022: New website! Sarah also went out to SE Colorado with Becca VanderLeest and Carla Eichler to check out the Ogallala Formation, went to a SZ4D workshop in Houston, and moved from Tucson, AZ to Norman, OK.